
Chronic urinary incontinence can be a painful and embarrassing condition. The complications include:

  • Skin problems: due to moisture sometimes rashes, skin infections or sores can develop on your skin.
  • Urinary tract infections: Urinary incontinence increases the risk of developing urinary tract infections (UTI).
  • Impacts personal life: Chronic incontinence can also affect social life, work, and romantic relationships.

Pregnancy & Childbirth

Incontinence is common during pregnancy or after giving birth. This is because your body undergoes many changes throughout pregnancy that put extra pressure on the bladder.


Hormonal changes in the body can cause vaginal tissues to become less elastic. As a result, the lining of your urethra begins to thin, and pelvic floor muscles can weaken.


With age, the muscles in your bladder and urethra can lose strength. Changes with time reduce how much you’re able to hold before needing a release, increasing risks for incontinence (involuntary urine).

Poor Posture

It can lead to stress incontinence, and slouching increases abdominal pressure, putting more strain on the bladder.

Being Overweight

Extra weight increases pressure on your bladder and surrounding muscles, weakening them so that when you cough or sneeze, the urine will leak out.


Smoking irritates the bladder and may increase your risk of urinary incontinence.